SASSA Status Pending – SASSA Appeal for SRD R350

Many South Africans rely on SASSA grants to support themselves and their families. However, the application process can be complex, and sometimes, applicants may find themselves in a state of limbo, unsure of the status of their application. This can be especially frustrating when the grant is urgently needed.

If an applicant’s SASSA status remains pending, it may be possible to initiate an appeal through SASSA’s Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA). This process allows applicants to provide additional information or evidence to support their eligibility for the grant. However, it’s important to note that not all appeals will be successful, and it’s crucial to understand the requirements and procedures involved in the appeal process.

For those who have already been declined for the R350 grant, there is still hope. Beneficiaries can submit an appeal to SASSA for the R350 grant online under the new rules of the ITSAA. The process involves visiting the SASSA DSD website and following the provided steps. While it may be a daunting process, it’s important to remember that persistence and attention to detail can make all the difference.

Understanding SASSA Status Pending

When applying for the SASSA grant, it is common to encounter a status of “pending.” This can be a cause for concern, but it is important to understand the reasons for this status and how to check the status of your application.

Reasons for Pending Status

There are several reasons why an application may have a pending status:

  • Incomplete Application: If an applicant has not filled out all the required fields or has not submitted all the necessary documents, the application may be marked as pending until the missing information is provided.
  • Verification Process: SASSA verifies all the information provided by the applicant, including their identity and financial status. If there are any discrepancies or inconsistencies, the application may be marked as pending until the issue is resolved.
  • High Volume of Applications: During times of high demand, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, SASSA may experience a backlog of applications, causing them to be marked as pending until they can be processed.

How to Check Status

To check the status of your SASSA application, there are several options available:

  • Calling SASSA: Applicants can call the SASSA hotline at 0800 60 10 11 to check the status of their application.
  • Visiting SASSA Office: Applicants can visit their local SASSA office and speak with a representative to check the status of their application.
  • Checking Online: Applicants can check the status of their application online by visiting the SASSA website and entering their ID number and mobile number.
  • Reviewing SMS: Applicants may receive SMS updates regarding the status of their application, including whether it has been approved or denied.
  • Following Up: If an application has been marked as pending for an extended period of time, applicants can follow up with SASSA to inquire about the status of their application.

It is important to note that if an application has been marked as pending, it does not necessarily mean that it has been denied. By understanding the reasons for this status and how to check the status of their application, applicants can take the necessary steps to ensure that their application is processed as quickly and efficiently as possible.


SASSA Appeal for R350

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the SASSA Appeal for R350, the applicant must have had their application for the R350 grant declined, rejected or cancelled. The applicant must also have a valid reason for the appeal, such as a change in circumstances or an error in the initial application.

Application Process

To initiate an appeal, the applicant must follow these steps:

  1. Visit the SASSA SRD Grant website and access the application status.
  2. Check online to see if the appeal is necessary.
  3. If the appeal is necessary, visit the ITSAA website and provide the necessary details.
  4. Verify and proceed with the appeal.
  5. Select the appeal details and submit the appeal.

It is important to note that failure to lodge an appeal for each month that the Covid-19 SRD application was rejected by SASSA will result in the original decision being sustained. The decision of the Independent Tribunal is the final decision and no further internal recourse will be available.

Overall, the SASSA Appeal for R350 is an important process for those who have had their application for the R350 grant declined, rejected or cancelled. By following the eligibility criteria and application process outlined above, applicants can successfully reinstate their declined payments.


Individuals who have applied for the R350 grant through the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and have been declined may appeal the decision. The appeal process allows applicants to request a review of their application and potentially receive approval for the grant. The following sub-sections outline the SRD appeal process and possible outcomes.

SRD Appeal Process

To appeal a declined R350 grant application, individuals must follow the SASSA appeal process. The following steps outline the process:

  1. Visit the SASSA website at
  2. Click on the “SASSA Status Check” option.
  3. Enter the South African ID number and mobile number used in the original application.
  4. Click the “Submit” button to view the SASSA appeal status on the screen.
  5. If the status shows “declined,” click on the “Appeal” button to begin the appeal process.
  6. Fill out the appeal form with all required information and submit it.

After submitting the appeal, the SASSA appeal status can be checked online. It can take up to 90 days from submission for the SASSA appeal to be reviewed by the Department of Social Development (DSD) and processed through SASSA to get final approval of the declined R350 grant application.

Possible Outcomes

There are several possible outcomes of the SRD SASSA appeal process. These include:

  • Approval of the R350 grant: If the appeal is successful, the applicant will receive approval for the R350 grant and will be eligible to receive payments.
  • Decline of the appeal: If the appeal is declined, the applicant will not be eligible to receive the R350 grant.
  • Pending status: If the SASSA appeal status shows as “pending,” it means that the application is still being reviewed and a decision has not yet been made.

It is important to note that failure to lodge an appeal for each month that the R350 grant application was rejected by SASSA will result in the original decision being sustained. The decision of the Independent Tribunal is the final decision and no further internal recourse will be available.

SASSA Status Appeal

Individuals who have applied for the SASSA SRD Grant may receive a status of “Pending” on their application. This status indicates that the application is still being processed and has not yet been approved or rejected. If an applicant’s status remains pending for an extended period, they may choose to file an appeal.

Appeal Procedure

To appeal a SASSA SRD Grant application, the applicant must first visit the SASSA SRD Grant website and access their application status. If their status is still pending, they may proceed with the appeal process. The applicant must then visit the ITSAA website and provide their details. After verifying their information, they will be prompted to select their appeal details and submit their appeal.

Appeal Resolution Time

The time it takes for a SASSA SRD Grant appeal to be resolved can vary depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the case and the number of appeals being processed at the time. Applicants should be prepared for the process to take several weeks or even months. It is important to note that while an appeal is being processed, the applicant’s status will remain as “Pending” until a decision is reached.

In conclusion, individuals who have received a “Pending” status on their SASSA SRD Grant application may choose to file an appeal if their status remains unchanged for an extended period. The appeal process involves visiting the SASSA and ITSAA websites and providing the necessary information to initiate an appeal. It is important to be patient during the appeal process, as it can take several weeks or months to reach a resolution.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check the status of my SRD appeal?

To check the status of your SRD appeal, you can use any of the following methods: calling SASSA, visiting a SASSA office, checking online, reviewing SMS, or following up. If your appeal is still pending, you can initiate an appeal through SASSA’s Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).

What are the steps to follow to fix my SRD appeal?

If your SRD appeal has been declined, rejected, or cancelled, you can appeal the decision by following the steps provided by SASSA. You can initiate an appeal through SASSA’s Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA) by visiting their website and providing your South African ID number and mobile number used in your application.

What are the possible reasons for a SASSA appeal to still be pending?

There could be several reasons why a SASSA appeal is still pending. Some possible reasons include incomplete or incorrect information provided in the application, missing documents, or a backlog in the processing of applications due to a high volume of submissions.

How can I appeal a pending SRD grant?

To appeal a pending SRD grant, you can initiate an appeal through SASSA’s Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA) by visiting their website and providing your South African ID number and mobile number used in your application.

Where can I check the status of my SRD SASSA appeal?

You can check the status of your SRD SASSA appeal by using any of the following methods: calling SASSA, visiting a SASSA office, checking online, reviewing SMS, or following up. If your appeal is still pending, you can initiate an appeal through SASSA’s Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).

What are the banking details for SRD SASSA applications?

The banking details for SRD SASSA applications vary depending on the individual applicant’s bank. Applicants are required to provide their banking details during the application process, and SASSA will use these details to deposit the grant into the applicant’s account.

Why is my SASSA grant application status still pending?

Your SASSA grant application status may still be pending due to a variety of reasons such as a high volume of applications being processed, the need for additional verification of the information you provided, or administrative reviews. It indicates that your application is in the queue and yet to be reviewed or finalized by SASSA.

How long does it take for a pending SASSA status to be approved?

The time it takes for a pending SASSA status to be approved can vary. It often depends on the volume of applications, the complexity of the verification process, and administrative capacity. It could take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. For a more precise timeline, it’s best to contact SASSA directly or monitor the status online regularly.

What steps should I take if my SASSA application remains pending for an extended period?

If your SASSA application remains pending for an extended period, consider reaching out directly to SASSA to inquire about the status of your application. Ensure that all required documents and information have been submitted accurately. Keep an eye on your contact details, including email and phone number, to not miss any communication from SASSA regarding additional requirements or updates.

How do I check the current status of my SASSA grant application?

You can check the current status of your SASSA grant application by visiting the official SASSA or SRD status check website. Enter your ID number and other required credentials to log in. Your application status, whether it’s approved, pending, or declined, will be displayed, along with any additional information or steps needed to be taken.

Can I reapply if my SASSA grant application status is pending for too long?

Before reapplying, it’s advisable to contact SASSA directly to inquire about the delay in the processing of your initial application. Generally, it might not be necessary to reapply, as applications remain in the system until they are processed. Getting clarification on the status and any potential issues with the initial application should be the first step.

What does a “pending” status indicate in the SASSA grant application process?

A “pending” status in the SASSA grant application process indicates that your application is still under review. It means that SASSA is in the process of verifying the provided information or that there is a backlog of applications being processed. The application has neither been approved nor declined during this stage.

Who can I contact for assistance if my SASSA status is stuck on pending?

If your SASSA status is stuck on pending, you should contact SASSA directly for assistance. Reach out to their customer service via the official contact numbers or email addresses provided on the SASSA website, or visit the nearest SASSA office in person. Ensure to have your ID number and application details handy for quick assistance.

Is there a way to expedite the review process of a pending SASSA application?

Typically, the review process follows a standard procedure, and individual applications can’t be expedited. However, ensuring that all submitted information is accurate and that all required documents are provided can aid in a smoother and quicker review. Keep monitoring your application status and respond promptly to any requests from SASSA for additional information or clarification.

What documents are needed to resolve a pending status for a SASSA grant?

The required documents can vary depending on the specifics of each case. Generally, identity verification documents, proof of income, or lack thereof, and any other documents that support your eligibility for the grant might be needed. Check the official SASSA website or contact SASSA customer service for detailed, case-specific information on the required documents to resolve the pending status.

Are there common issues that lead to a SASSA grant application being pending?

Yes, common issues that can lead to a SASSA grant application being pending include incomplete application forms, missing or incorrect documents, a high volume of applications leading to processing delays, and the need for additional verification of the applicant’s eligibility. These factors can prolong the period an application remains in the pending status.

How do I know if additional information is required to move from pending to approved status with SASSA?

To determine if additional information is needed for your application, regularly check your application status on the official SASSA or SRD website. SASSA may also reach out to you via SMS or email if additional information is needed. Always ensure your contact details are up-to-date in the SASSA system to receive such notifications promptly.

What actions are SASSA taking to address the high volume of pending applications?

SASSA typically implements measures like increasing staff, enhancing the technology infrastructure to handle a large volume of applications, and streamlining the application review process to reduce the backlog. These efforts aim to expedite the application review process, ensuring applicants receive timely feedback on their grant application status. For specific actions, applicants can refer to official communications from SASSA or contact their customer service.

Will I be notified when the pending status of my SASSA application changes?

Yes, typically, SASSA notifies applicants via SMS or email when the status of their application changes from pending to either approved or declined. Ensure your contact details are current and accurate in the SASSA system to receive these notifications.

How often should I check the status of my pending SASSA grant application?

It’s advisable to check the status of your pending SASSA grant application regularly, perhaps weekly, to stay informed about any updates or required actions. This ensures that you can promptly respond if additional information or actions are needed to process your application.

How can I receive automatic updates on changes to my pending SASSA application status?

To receive automatic updates, ensure that your correct mobile number and email address are provided during the application process. SASSA typically sends automatic notifications regarding application status changes via these contact methods. Also, some SASSA portals may have options to enable notifications, so be sure to opt-in if available.

Does a pending status mean my SASSA grant application is likely to be approved?

A pending status doesn’t necessarily indicate that your SASSA grant application will be approved. It simply means that your application is still under review. SASSA is in the process of verifying the provided details and assessing your eligibility for the grant.

How does SASSA prioritize the processing of pending applications?

SASSA processes applications based on a standardized procedure to ensure fairness and equity. They often address applications in the order received, but sometimes prioritization may depend on the urgency, the type of grant, or other specific criteria. Each application undergoes a thorough review to ensure eligibility criteria are met.

Can a pending SASSA application be declined, and what steps can be taken afterward?

Yes, a pending SASSA application can be declined if it fails to meet the eligibility criteria or if there are issues with the provided information or documentation. If declined, applicants can seek clarification on the specific reasons for the decline and, if applicable, rectify the issues and reapply, or appeal the decision providing additional information or documentation to support the appeal.

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